AM, CAN CH Meredreme Jovi’s Khaki Adventure,UD,RE,OD
(Ch Edgehill Sudden Impact ,OS
X Meredreme GNP Crimson and Clover (Am Ptd))
“Khadi”, was just too easy to adore! She was our Sous
Chef who sat quietly at my husband’s feet while he prepared culinary delights. She was the best “mom” to her 22 kids, numbering among them are 3 AKC Champions, including 1 BIS/BISS/SDHF. She produced 2 CD kids ,an RE kid, an OJP kid and an OAP kid....but then, she loved to work herself!
She was always right there eager to learn. She got her CD with ease, then her CDX, and just before her 10th birthday got her UD while taking BOSVISS at the same show!
She loved to play at agility in the yard, swim in the pool and do her 'Khadi special dance' with a toy. She was just a joy to have around. Most of all. she was our huggable teddy bear who slept on the bed and was the love of my life! She was my once in a lifetime dog who would do anything to please me and the truth is, the feeling was mutual! She will be greatly missed!
Be proud but not arrogant. Be beautiful but not vain. Be strong but gentle. Be loving, be humble, be as much like a dog as you can-
and be happy! Life is Good"
~Trixie Koontz
"Road to a Golden Championship"
Fine Golden Retrievers - Desert Hills, AZ
AM/ CAN CH Hillock Meredreme Jovi’s Doo-Wop NA,NAJ,NAP,NJP
(CH Sheffield-Ducat Spellbound, OS, SDHF X Ch Hillock’s Meredreme Jordache, OD)
"James Dean”, our easy going happy paws boy. Our "Dreamsicle”. As a puppy he was a love from the day we brought him home. Never a wrong step, and as a matter of fact his movement is one of his strongest points and that has been passed on to his kids. Now his kids are following in dad’s footsteps “Tootsie has CDX, and RE”, Flirtie a BN, and RN. James Dean, Jay, The Dreamsicle- loves everyone- but most of all his ball”
The day he took his BOB he was so proud and so were we. Then Jay stayed a year with his Junior Handler Jessie Sage, sleeping on the bed, playing with his friends and then at Westminster Kennel Club show, he and Jessie went around that wonderfully huge ring on the green carpet all the way to a 4th in Junior Showmanship. This is a huge achievement for a Junior and their dog, and in stiff competition as there were 80 other competitors.
Then he lent his happy feet to Alyssa Wilkinson for her time in the Juniors ring and again loved every minute.
Jay won Veteran Dog and Stud Dog Class at Palo Verde Golden Retriever Club specialty 2009 (photos below).
Now he is content to be home, breed a few girls, and play with Sundee.
"Allow yourself to daydream.
Daydreams can come true.
I daydreamed about a best friend and got one.
I daydreamed about love and got some.
I daydreamed about a good husband and got one." ~ Viv
Ch Jovi’s Dances with Wolves at Parkwood, CD, RN
(Ch Pulali Stetson Fits, SDHF,OS X Ch Meredreme Jovi's Khaki Adventure, UD,RE,TDI,CGC)
At 8 weeks of age we knew his call name would not be anything but Lobo as he likes to almost howl when he talks- Woo Woo Woo!
He is a most handsome boy who naturally stacks and effortlessly moves. Just what a Golden should be, he uses himself well. His easy going manner makes him a delight to own, train, show and live with. He will do anything you ask of him with a smile. We hope he will compete for his CD/RN this spring.
"A Golden Retriever should be a symmetrical, active, powerful dog. A good level mover, sound and well put together, with a kindly expression, not clumsy or long in the leg"
(from Golden Retrievers by Joan Gill)
He is the true “Happy go Lucky Fella”. He loves his toys and most of all his Dad!
Best Veteran in Sweepstakes at Valle del Sol Golden Retriever Specialty, and BOS at Palo Verde Golden Retriever Club Specialty.
Jovi’s Rouge et Noire UD, RE,TDI,CGC 08/07/00
(Ch Edgehill Sudden Impact, OS X Can Ch Gentor’s Mimosa of Jovi CD,CGC,TDI)
Christmas was so named in the whelping box, since we'd combined red and green wool for around her neck. But she has many endearing names, Chris, Crispy Crème, Chrisy Wissey Woo! She is a love to cuddle up to anytime. But she kicks her feet in her sleep so we also call her the kick boxer. She loves to jump. She is my first UD titled dog, and was my first CDX which makes our relationship special. She likes to test you specifically in Combined. She is a happy girl who gives lots of love all the time. We love her two-fold in return.
She is our first home bred titled dog .Most of all she is really unique and special, which she passed on to her kids. Her daughter has her CDX and RA and is on her road to her CH title.
"The dog's eye sees to the heart of truth: the purpose of life is love." ~Trixie Koontz
"A Golden's idea of Holiday"
Chistmas (We lost Christmas 6/11/13)
Jovi's Krispy Kreme's Delight CDX, RE
(Ch Hillock Meredreme Jovi's Doo-Wop NA,NAJ X Jovi's Rouge et Noire, UD,RE,TDI,CGC)
"Tootsie" is as perfect as it gets. Structurally she carries more posternum than what we see in the ring today. She has great angles, expression, side gait, and her dad's movement. She is smart, funny, charming,and unpredictable. She has prey drive and would do well retrieving birds.
She actually caught a rabbit, which takes amazing reflexes and the mental ability to plan a hunt.
I enjoy showing her as she learns easily, performs great and is a joy to have around.
Out of Tootsie~ "Lexi"
(Ch Sonora's Suit Yourself X Jovi's Krispy Kreme's Delight CDX,RA)
Tootsie (We lost Tootsie 6/11/13)
Mimi, our Brood Bitch, was first in Arizona to be a Canadian Champion and get a CD.
She was head strong, super intelligent, and just plain wonderful and we miss her everyday.
Chutney was our "King".
Every day of his life he was regal. He never put a foot down wrong, never Complained, only barked once in his life, loved his walks to get his stick, greeted everyone with hugs and kisses.
He was a true example of the perfect Golden in temperment".
Folks fell in love with him first for his beauty, then for his being.
Chutney was from Shirley.
Our gentle gentleman. Everyone who met him loved him. He loved his cookies, stick and us and we loved him back. We will always love him.
Each day she gave us warmth, zest and love.
She was very special and has a special place in our hearts forever.
Sasha was rescued by us in 9/91, We are so glad that we brought her into our lives.
She was a special girl that always made us smile and will be deeply missed and always in our hearts.
Thank you Sasha for the nine wonderful years we had with you.
Sasha loved to go biking with her dad and Chutney, and swim in the pool.
Jovi’s Canyon de Chelly BN, RA, CGC
(Ch Highmark Mirasol Once a Knight VCD2, UDX,JH x Ch Meredreme Jovi's Khaki Adventure, UD,RE,TDI,CGC)
Chey won best puppy at the Flagstaff shows at just 6 months of age, then made all the cuts at the 2004 Nationals. She moves with ease,with perfect side gate and clean coming and going. She is smart, loving, gentle, a great mom & when she had a litter, she was in her glory with all her babies around. Chey has been a terrific brood bitch giving us both Calamity and Pearl. She loves sleeping on the bed with Ari as she is now his dog.

Jovi's Garland of Oak Creek
(Ch Highmark Mirasol Once a Knight, VCD2, UDX,JH x Ch Meredreme Jovi's Khaki Adventure, UD,RE,TDI,CGC)
Annie is the one every puppy buyer who visits wants to take home. She is our couch potato in the house, however, loves to get out there and show too, and loves to work.
She is our training dog, teaching the newcomers what and how to behave in this pack.
She carries great coat,wonderful expression, angles,and top line Her nick name is
"Annie panda puddin and pie".
Annie now lives happily with my son Ari and is loving life!
Jovi’s Calamity Jane,CD,RE
(Ch Pulali Stetson Fits,SDHF,OS X Jovi's Canyon de Chelly)
Calamity Jane is the snuggiest golden in the pack. Cuddles up to us every night on the bed. But do not think for one second she can not do it all because she sure can. She is a natural in obedience and rally,a fabulous brood bitch . She is an excellent mover, great expression , head, and pigment, wonderful topline even after 12 puppies and a temperment to die for. A True Golden in every respect. Everyone should own a "Calamity Jane".
Out of Calamity Jane~
(Ch Hillock Meredreme Jovi's Doo-Wop, NA, NAJ X Jovi's Calamity Jane RN)
Calamity getting her Rally advanced title scoring 91.
Jovi’s Whatchamallcallit, CD,RE,CGC
(Ch Jovi’s Dances with Wolves at Parkwood, CD,RN x Hillock Jovi’s Jamoca Almondfudge UD,RE)
Wynonna, or "Y" as we like to call her, is very special. She is a perfect blend of "cuteness", spunk and affection. She seems to have the "it" factor, a charisma that allows her to charm everyone around her, which has caused her to gain admirers everywhere she goes from the vet's office to the dog shows. When she looks at you it warms your heart and you can't help but smile!
"Y" has a stunning golden headpiece with a marvelous expression. She is exceptionally intelligent therefore, easy to train and she loves to work. She has excelled in rally and obedience trials. She has earned 3 rally titles in less than 2 months and an obedience CD all in the ribbons.
She loves the conformation ring as well. She moves clean coming and going and has effortless gait. Most importantly she is devoted and loyal with that true golden temperament. She loves to come home and just lay at your feet. Some of her favorite hobbies include cuddling by the couch and chasing and retrieving tennis balls, which she leaps for in the air with delight!
Bearabella Jovi’s This Lil Heart O Mine, RA
(BIS,BISS, CH Jovi's Leathal Weapon, SDHF X Can Ch Citrine's Magical Discovery)
"Valentina " was named appropriately as we brought her home on Valentine's Day in the worst snow storm in years. Valle is so smart and eager she managed her RN with ease and showed her ability to learn from the start. She got her Rally Advanced with all placements. She is a great mom. She has the most endearing temperament that she is passing on to her kids. Loves her ball, and all toys, and is the first one to 'get it!' when asked. I think she will do well in obedience. She has effortless gait, great top line, and is clean coming and going. We hope she will pass on these things and her endearing temperament to her kids.
Hillock Jovi's Jamoca Almondfudge UDX,RE
(Ch Hillock's Bad As I Wanna Be
X Hillock's Get Shorty, CD,RA,OAP,OAJ,WC,VC
(Major Pointed)
"Sundee" is perfection in a complete package!. She has tremendous drive and desire to please in every task set before her whether it be conformation, obedience, agility, or flyball.
She is so smart that she got her CD,CDX,RN,RA, & RE within months of each other. Then we gave her a year off to have puppies. She was a terrific mom. When she started her quest for her UD she did so with a bang, on her first try with a great score of 193 ½”, and continued to do so through her UD. She is now competing for her UDX. She is a full liter sister to Tammy Tomlinson's "Raisin" (one of the top bitches in the country).
Out of Sundee~ "Wynonna"
(Ch Jovi's Dances with Wolves at Parkwood X Hillock Jovi's Jamoca Almondfudge,CDX,RE)
Sundee has a thirst for life and ambition to conquor anything set before her. She has great topline,
movement, and pedigree. She is my once in a lifetime performance dog. Her puppies are just as smart and beautiful.
Best Veteran in Sweepstakes at Valle del Sol Golden Retriever Specialty, and BOS at Palo Verde Golden Retriever Club Specialty.